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Friday, March 14, 2008

religious sins... duh...

actually most religions consider them sins... Christianity focus' at max....
according to them if you do these 7 things.... then you'll serve hell.... well we already know there is no hell... but still i feel gud criticizing them!!

the sins are :
greed, pride, envy, anger, gluttony, lust, and sloth.
Satanism advocates indulging in each of these "sins" as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.

what is greed.... the thought to strive for more.... im sorry but you can't successful in lyf without striving for more!!
what is pride.... you get smacked in a duel.... everyone is laughing at you.... you have been made a complete fool.... you turn around... and break the guyz hand from which he smacked... this is pride!!
no one should mess with our pride.... why should i relax when someone abuses me....
what is envy... another form of greed... just that its coz of others success... its a natural phenomenon...even a low rank priest would envy another one made higher to him when he deserved it!! then what sin is it....

what is anger.... anger is defined as a state of mind when you can't control your emotions... how do you intend to call it a sin when 1 can't even control it...

what is gluttony... you were bored of that same dinner you were eating at home... got bored and ordered a pizza... if you'd have consumed say 3/4 th pizza... it was equivalent to your normal diet... to sustain lyf.... but you ate the whole pizza just coz you liked it.... if this is a sin... darn it i love it!!

what is lust??
its a feeling of sexual excitement.... everyone faces it..... some share(normal humans) others hide and show off to have avoided it!!
now dayz i see children of age 6 watching bf... now there are christians also in em!!
and they say children are faces of god.... well what do ya say... gods luved sex!!

what is sloth??
you wake up its a holiday.... you think to spend extra tym in the cozy bed.... why... cummon everyone does it the reason is... all of us are lazy ppl.... even the lions like to laze of... while the crocodiles,,... they laze of whole day to search for prey!!
if that is a sin...... then once again... every1 enjoys it!!

so hereby i proof... that all sins are actually common.... and were very analytically thought over by the ppl who created it!!
they knew every1 would do this sort of stuff.... and then they would come to the church to say sorry about it!! rofl.... i say don't follow it.... just believe in yourself!!s


Akshay kashid said...

hhmm kya topic hai

Mage.... cursed to slave for music ;) said...

hmm... im trying to spread my religion called satanism...
if you find it interesting then read satanic bible